
Rabu, 25 Juni 2014


QuantityImperial UnitMetric UnitImperial toMetric to
Metric UnitsImperial Units
Lengthinch (in)millimetre (mm) or1 in = 25.4 mm1 cm = 0.394 in
centimetre (cm)
foot (ft)centimetre or metre (m)1 ft = 30.5 cm1 m = 3.28 ft
yard (yd)metre (m)1yd = 0.194 m1 m = 1.09 yd
furlong (fur)metre (m) or1 fur = 201 m1 km = 4.97 fur
kilometre (km)
milekilometre (km)1 mile = 1.61 km1 km = 0.621 mile
international nautical mile1 n mile = 1852 m1m = 3.28 ft
(for navigation)
Massounce (oz)gram (g)1 oz = 28.3 g1 g = 0.0353 oz
pound (lb)gram (g) or kilogram (kg)1 lb = 454 g1 kg = 2.20 lb
stonekilogram (kg)1 stone = 6.35 kg1 kg = 0.157 stone
tontonne (t)1 ton = 1.02 t1 t = 0.984 ton
Areasquare inch (in²)square centimetre (cm²)1 in² = 6.45 cm²1 cm² = 0.155 in²
square foot (ft²)square centimetre (cm²) or1 ft² = 929 cm²
square metre (m²)1 m² = 10.8 ft²
square yard (yd²)square metre (m²)1 yd² = 0.836 m²1 m² = 1.20 yd²
perch (p)square metre (m²)1 p = 25.3 m²1 m² = 0.0395 p
rood (rd)hectare (ha)1 rd = 0.101 ha1 ha = 9.88 rd
acre (ac)hectare (ha)1 ac = 0.405 ha1 ha = 2.47 ac
square milesquare kilometre (km²)1 square mile=2.59 km²1 km²=0.386 sq.mile
Volumecubic inch (in³)cubic centimetre (cm³)1 in³ = 16.4 cm³1 cm³ = 0.0610 in³
cubic foot (ft³)cubic metre (m³)1 ft³ = 0.0283 m³1 m³ = 35.3 ft³
cubic yard (yd³)cubic metre (m³)1 yd³ = 0.765 m³1 m³ = 1.31 yd³
bushel (bus)cubic metre (m³)1 bus = 0040.0364 m³1 m³ = 27.5 bus
Volumefluid ounce (fl oz)millilitre1 fl oz = 28.4 ml1 ml = 0.0352 fl oz
(fluids)pint (pt)millilitre (ml) or litre (l)1 pt = 568 ml1 litre = 1.76 pt
gallon (gal)litre (l) or cubic (m³)1 gal = 4.55 litre1 m³ = 220 gal
acre footcubic metre (m³) or1 acre foot = 1230 m³
megalitre (ML)1.23 ML1 ML= 0.811 acre foot
Forcepound – force (lbf)newton (N)1 lbf = 4.45 N1 N = 0.225 lbf
ton – force (tonf)kilonewton (kN)tonf = 9.96 kN1 kN = 0.100 tonf
Pressurepound per square inch(psi)kilopascal (kPa)1 psi = 6.89 kPa1 kPa = 0.145 psi
atmosphere (atm)kilopascal (kPa) or1 atm = 101 kPa
megapascal (MPa)1 MPa = 9.87 atm
ton per square inch (ton/in²)megapascal (MPa)1 ton/in² = 15.4 MPa1 MPa = 0.647 ton/in²
inch of mercury (in Hg)milibar (mb)
(for meteorology)1 in Hg = 33.9 mb1 mb = 0.0295 in Hg
1 mb = 100 Pa
Velocitymile per hour (mph)kilometre per hour (km/h)1 mph = 1.61 km/h1 km/h = 0.621 mph
knot (kn)= 1 kn = 1.85 km/h
(for navigation)
Temperaturedegree Fahrenheit (°F)degree Celsius (°C)°C = 5/9 (F – 32)°F = 9/5 (C + 32)
Densitypound per cubic inch (lb/in³)gram per cubic centimetre (g/cm³)1 lb/in³ = 27.7 g/cm³1 g/cm³=0.0361 ib/in³
= tonne per cubic metre (t/m³)1lb/in³ = 27.7 t/m³1 t/m³ = 0.0361ib/in³
ton per cubic yardtonne per cubic metre (t/m³)1 ton/yd³ = 1.33 t/m³1 t/m³= 0.752 ton/yd³
EnergyBritish thermal unit (btu)kilojoule (kJ)1 Btu = 1.06 kJ1 kJ = 0.948 Btu
thermmegajoule (MJ)1 therm = 106 MJ1 MJ= 9.48x 10³ therm
(for electrical energy)kilowatt hour (kWh)=kWh = 3.60 MJ
Powerhorsepower (hp)kilowatt (kW)1 hp = 0.746 kW1 kW = 1.34 hp
Timesecond (s)
minute (min)1 min = 60s
hour (h)1 h = 3600s
Frequencycycle per second (c/s)hertz (Hz)1 c/s = 1.Hz1 Hz = 1.c/s
Angularrevolution per minuteradian per second (rad/s)1 rpm = 0.105 rad/s1 rad/s = 9.55 rpm.
Velocity(rpm)revolution per minute

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